Sunday, July 06, 2008

Living on Free wireless

Well my internet connection has been down for nearly a week, so I'm trying to figure out other ways of getting it. Oh yes it's like a drug. My house mate is currently away and I don't have any of the account details, so I can't find out whats going on with it. So I'm on this quest to find free wireless and these are my results this far.

Today I went to Federation Square, they have free wireless there through Optus, I found using Firefox browser really good but my Thunderbird email client couldn't work.

Then I went to the Melbourne Library, where you need a library account to gain access. I borrowed a friends account but this just wouldn't work and am unable to tell you how good or bad it was.

Across the road at Melbourne Central where they have wireless, I just couldn't log on. This maybe due to too many people using it or some other reason I don't know about (as I'm stupid with this whole internto world).

And last of all I went to a bar called E55 (55 Elizabeth street) where I fought they had free wireless, but found out they only have it until 3pm and it costs $2.

My quest goes on.

Another link to free wireless in Melbourne

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try outside Wagamama near the State Library. You can usually get a signal sat in the bars opposite.