I've been redesigning
Queenie's Youtube channel, she's been getting plenty of new subscribers so I thought I'd would give her page a face lift.
First draft Header |
The first draft header I used pictures of the Queen, with a text style similar to Lady Ga Ga text that I saw in a magazine.
Second draft Header (final) |
With the second draft I removed 3 pictures of the Queen, added a picture of Queenie and one of Port Fairy Jetty. Also I replaced the colour pink with purple, as queenie prefers purple.
Screen of full Queenie's Youtube Chanel with updated background |
I also updated her background, with similar text to the header (to keep it consistent); added photo's from the web and also from her own person library. I added borders to the images, adjusted to black & white, posterise layer effect, drop shadow effect (50% transparency) and added a black colour fill (50% transparency).
If anyone would like to have there Youtube Channel redesigned let me know, drop me a line.
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